Koç Junior Model United Nations
March 7-9, 2025
Theme of Koç JMUN 2025:
Adopting global diplomacy as a catalyst for combatting international conflicts

Letter from the Secretaries General
Dear Participants,
As the Secretaries-General of Koç JMUN 2025, it is with great pleasure that we welcome you to our conference. This year we will be hosting the 19th annual session of the Koç Junior Model United Nations.
Since its establishment, Koç JMUN has excelled as one of the top Model United Nations conferences around the globe. In its 17th session, Koç JMUN hosted over 500 participants, from 30 schools. With 18 years of experience, we strive to improve and expand every year.
Koç JMUN is an invaluable opportunity for middle school students wishing to experience MUN debate at a proficient level, all the while exploring contentious global issues that have evaded permanent, comprehensive solutions for years on end. We aim to bring together a cast of accomplished, capable student officers to ensure that delegates have the chance to work in a structured environment, in which they feel comfortable taking the floor, cooperating with others, and seeking help to become better debaters and global citizens.
Koç JMUN accomplishes this by simulating the United Nations Development Programme, a world-first for junior MUN conferences. It focuses upon the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which are key to shaping a more beneficial and bright future for all; for this very reason, every committee and agenda item has been carefully chosen with these SDGs in mind to help delegates give rise to impactful, constructive initiatives in the resolutions and clauses they draft. Each committee description has been rewritten to provide an overview of what aspects of sustainable development are of interest to its participants.
Simultaneously, to bolster and highlight the importance of collaboration and cooperation in making these goals a reality, Koç JMUN 2025 has chosen to focus on a special theme: “Adopting global diplomacy as a catalyst for combatting international conflicts.” In an era fraught with obstacles to permanent peace and security, the United Nations stands as an example of how important tool diplomacy can be in settling disputes and challenging long-standing issues. Thus, we hope that delegates will be able to embrace our theme’s essence in their own work and balance it with the interests of their countries and alliances.
Our theme is exceptionally important for the development committees, which we have reworked and altered to better suit the conference. Amongst the committees we have determined to be suitable for active debate are the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the prevalent United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UNDPPA). Seeing how critical of an issue human rights are to this day, we’ve also picked the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). All of these committees get the special opportunity to work on and present resolutions for agenda items directly related to the UN’s commitments to safety, security, quality of life, and peace for all. They’ll also be participating in a plenary session on the final day to collectively vote on the most effective resolutions from each committee.
Special committees like the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and the Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) are open to delegates as well, each focusing on a different pillar of the UN’s missions. The UNSC is dedicated to resolving large-scale conflicts and violent movements and has the added flair of the Veto right for permanent members of the council. ECOSOC is the foundation for much of the financial and humanitarian work that the UN does and applies many of the General Assembly’s promises in the real world. Finally, the SDC is directly involved in monitoring and adapting to progress in the 17 Development Goals, a feat requiring cooperative work and excellent crisis management.
This year we have decided to integrate high school students into our conference as well, guided by the belief that Koç JMUN is a perfect place for them to get acquainted with special committees and the unique procedures they boast. For this reason, we have opened positions in the International Court of Justice as usual, but have also taken the initiative to implement two brand new committees: the Advisory Panel, which will be addressing issues regarding the disputed Eastern Mediterranean region, and the Historical Security Council, which will be looking at two past crises that have affected global politics, even to this day.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, we are delighted to invite you to Koç JMUN’25, which we believe will be the most memorable Koç JMUN yet. With 18 years of experience, Koç JMUN is amongst the most prestigious conferences available to the global JMUN community. The tireless efforts of our Executive Committee guarantee that this year’s Koç JMUN is bound to be an unforgettable experience, so prepare for profound cooperation, fruitful debates, and commitment to development, all while having plenty of fun. We look forward to seeing you in this year’s session.
Yours sincerely,
Secretaries General of Koç JMUN
Zeynep Nur Selçuk, Yiğithan Akkuş